Eating Disorder Recovery in the New Year
Every day is a new opportunity for a fresh mindset, practice, or habit. Here are tips to support your recovery journey in the new year.
Why the Holiday Season Brings an Increased Need for Mental Health Services
Hidden River generally sees an increase in mental health needs from the community around the holidays.
The Connection Between Eating Disorders and Suicide
Individuals suffering from eating disorders experience a higher rate of suicide. Learn more about this connection.
How Patients at Hidden River Experience the Outdoors: Part Two
Now, let's explore some additional recreational activities on our grounds, including the expanded walking trail, frisbee golf course, and other outdoor games.
How Patients at Hidden River Experience the Outdoors: Part One
This month, we want to highlight two exciting additions to our property: the labyrinth and the greenhouse.
The Truth About Eating Disorders Among Minority Populations
Minority populations face harmful discrimination, which can be detrimental to their mental health, especially when it happens with frequent occurence.
Maintaining a Positive Body Image During Eating Disorder Recovery
One of the key elements of eating disorder recovery is developing and maintaining a positive body image.
The Importance of Setting Realistic Goals
You're nearly halfway through February, and despite your best intentions, you may be ready to abandon your New Year’s resolutions. You’re not alone!