A Note To Our Colleagues
Professional Referrals
our approach
We understand and respect the importance of your role.
Dear Providers and Respected Colleagues,
Thank you for choosing Hidden River as a potential resource or next step for your patient. We understand that you want to find a program that is a good fit for your patient and that this often requires much thought and energy. We also understand the importance of your role as the current provider.
The Hidden River team encourages your involvement both prior to your patient’s admission and throughout your patient’s time with us. Our Admissions Coordinator will speak with you before admission to obtain information about the patient’s history and current clinical status. Upon your patient’s admission, one or more members of our interdisciplinary treatment team will be in contact with you to introduce themselves and establish what frequency and mode of contact you prefer. We will then keep you up to date during treatment and will collaborate with you regarding a comprehensive discharge plan. We consider you to be the current expert on your patient, so we view communication with you as an essential part of creating and implementing a treatment plan that can facilitate recovery.
We look forward to working with you. If you have any further questions about the program please contact us at info@hiddenriverhealing.com.