Eating Disorder Treatment
Treatment at Hidden River
Hidden River is the first residential eating disorder treatment center to provide care in New Jersey.
Our team of experts have extensive knowledge and experience within all eating disorder treatment levels of care. Hidden River programs are led by Certified Eating Disorder Specialists with multiple decades of eating disorder experience. The medical care is overseen by doctors who are experts in the field of child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry with specialties in anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and severe mental illnesses.
The facility resides on 12 acres of beautifully managed grounds located in central New Jersey’s rolling hills. Hidden River provides a comprehensive specialty program including medical and nutrition support, psychological education with practical skills training, and social activities to support the recovery and healing of girls and young women struggling with eating disorders and related mental health disorders. Our multidisciplinary team provides a compassionate evidence-based goal-oriented approach to guide patients in their healing process. An atmosphere preserving the individual’s dignity while they overcome very serious illnesses is exhibited by each staff member throughout treatment. We focus on addressing the specific medical, psychiatric, and psychological symptoms and their correlating behaviors with patience.
Family involvement is central to a patient’s treatment at Hidden River. It begins on the day of the patient’s arrival with a facility orientation tour, education, and the beginning of weekly family therapy. The parents will receive weekly updates from various members of the treatment team. The features of the family therapy program are specifically designed through consideration of each family’s needs using the same dignified and thoughtful delivery shown to the patient.
Why Hidden River?
Our Mission
We provide residential eating disorder treatment for girls, adolescents, and young women. We strive to remain a knowledgeable and well- trained staff who effectively utilize an evidenced-based treatment approach emphasizing daily education and practical skills training along with frequent family involvement. We believe that recovery is possible. We are dedicated to guiding patients to believe they can achieve full recovery, experience healthy relationships, and achieve successfully productive lives.